Partnership Working

HALT are an independent charity, however we work in partnership with a number of agencies and are a key agency in any of the city-wide for a addressing the issue of violence against women and children. We have developed a very pro-active working relationship with many agencies including the police, probation, Crown Prosecution Service and the courts, gaining direct referrals reducing the delay in supporting women.

We are involved with many partnerships in Leeds, including the following:

  • Leeds Domestic Violence Cluster Court
  • Leeds 16 Days of Action Partnership
  • Civil and Criminal Justice Working Group
  • Women’s Advisory Group
  • LIAP Steering Group
  • Women’s Training Opportunities Partnership

Leeds Domestic Violence Cluster Court

HALT are a key agency in the first Domestic Violence Court in the UK. Each week Leeds Magistrates Court has a Court dedicated to Domestic Violence cases. The Court is unique due to the fact that HALT have a representative each week, being able to offer immediate and independent advice and support to women who attend. Also, we can input to the Police and CPS any further information that we have to support the case.


“HALT are key partners in the implementation of the Leeds Community Safety Strategy around violence against women. It is a unique service to Leeds and works excellently with other agencies adding to the wealth of work being conducted in Leeds to combat violence against women and repeat victimisation.” Superintendant Tim Grove, West Yorkshire Police, Leeds Community Safety Partnership.